Thursday, June 18, 2015

Notes on Video Day at the Center

On Saturday, June 8 we hosted a couple of lovely writers who came in all the way from Texas, Jen Knox and Joani Reese.

We'd assembled a good-sized group who had earlier in the day participated in an open mic performance which was diligently caught on film by our photographer, Glenn Bowie...

Chris Reilley

Harry Mishkin
Jennifer Jean

Keith Tornheim

Lis Weiss

Margaret Young

Robin Stratton

Michael C. Keith

Phil Temples
Glenn Bowie
 ... Plus some others who arrived after the picture taking: Timothy Gager, Teisha Dawn Twomey, and Jennifer Colella Martelli. We had SO much fun, and all of the videos are posted on YouTube... just do a search for Newton Writing and Publishing Center.

Jen and Joani were so impressed by Boston's writing community. They'd made an appearance the night before in Somerville at Gloria Mindock's awesome and funky venue at the Armory - a place everyone loves - and it reminded me that we are so lucky to have this circle of writers... writers who are all about support and enthusiasm. There is a powerful bond, a ferocious sense of being here for each other; You go to their launch, they go to yours. You buy their book, they buy your book. You write a blurb or review for them, they write one for you. We "like" when they succeed, we post news of their successes on our Facebook walls. It's an honor to be part of that energy and cheer leading, and these gals from Texas made me realize that not everyone has that.

So this blog is about being grateful for the writing community we have!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Allen Ginsberg Award

“I think about you all the time, and have no one to talk to as only we can talk.”
Allen Ginsberg, The Letters of Allen Ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg was an amazing human being, who happened, by chance and choice, to express himself much better than most.

I am writing these words on the evening of his 89th birthday, June 3, 2015, just outside of Newark, his place of birth, a few weeks or so before August 23rd, the day the NWPC  (Newton Writing & Poetry Center) bestows the inaugural Allen Ginsberg Literary Community Contribution Award upon Doug Holder, Somerville’s most cheer-leading diplomat of poetry, a man who, like Ginsberg, expresses himself better than most, but he also promotes, supports, exposes, educates, inspires, shares, disseminates, creates and otherwise propagates more poetry in a month than I could in my lifetime, if I started in diapers.

The man is everywhere, both serving his fellow humans with compassion at McLean Hospital, teaching the next generation at Endicott college, amusing and amazing his own generation with his latest chapbook release, Arts Editor at the Somerville News, stewarding Ibbetson Street Press to life on a regular basis, no small achievement in itself, spending weekend mornings with the Bagel Bards, writing the Boston Small Press and Poetry Scene blog, doing “Poet to Poet” for Somerville TV,  hosting the Newton Library Series on the third Tuesday of each month, and showing up to support his poetic friends when they have readings, openings, book launches. Doug’s poetry just rubs off on you, you cannot help but wanting to brew a beverage, curl up, and read some more. Doug Holder cannot help but leave poetry in his wake, like I leave footprints.

Look, if you are less than thirty, or even if you are maybe older and only recently got into the power of words, go check this out, or this, and this. Come back later and pick up from here.

Allen Ginsberg not only knew shit from shinola, he told you in a way that you could understand, sure, but his words, man, you would get really get it, on a visceral level, you just knew this was his personal truth, dumped onto a table and shared with you. There was little pretension, and even less bullshit, in the words he chose to place just so.

Ginsberg promoted others even harder than he did himself. He was tireless in his efforts to get your voice heard, if you had something to say. Which brings us back to Doug. See how this all fits neatly?

The NWPC reached out to the Ginsberg estate, and not only did they officially sanctify and commend the idea, as well as its recipient, they felt that Allen himself would have been proud of the heart behind this award.

So come by the NWPC and bring a friend who thinks they do not like poetry, or bring someone who is intrigued by the idea of writing and word wrestling in general, but just drag a warm body along with you to the Center on August 23, party with us, buy some sweet NWPC swag and keep the damned lights on. 

Buy books, chapbooks, and stuff for future gifts, sign up for a poetry workshop (or convince your friend to do so) meet people who are into poetry and meet (and be sure and get an autograph from) Doug Holder himself. Buy his book, I bet he will sign it for you, he is that kind of guy.

Wednesday, June 3... Feeling Grateful !

You wouldn't think that a lot of people need elevators, but you’d be wrong, and that’s why Glenn Bowie works six days a week. Sometimes seven. (Here’s his site in case you need one: So the question is, how is he able to – and why is he willing to – spend so many Saturdays being the photographer for the Newton Writing and Publishing Center? The answer is: we don’t know. We seriously don’t have any idea why he is so good to us, and so generous with his time and talents. Did we do something amazing for him in a past life, and he’s finally paying us back? For whatever reason, Glenn is one of the people we are most grateful for.

We are also grateful to the writing community – both local and national via Facebook – who share our posts and our excitement. We are grateful to everyone who sponsors us by becoming a member, or buys a mug, mouse pad or key chain. Believe me, it all helps!


 This first year is going to be tough. It’s a challenge to get the word out, especially when there are so many other places that offer workshops. But what people need to keep in mind is that since we are affiliated with Big Table Publishing and Boston Literary Magazine, we have that publishing component... when writers bribe us with flowers or candy, we put their submission at the top of the pile. Anyone who brings donuts is usually offered a contract on the spot.

And if you’re a writer, nothing beats the energy you get from hanging out with other writers. When you come here, you leave feeling invigorated.

But we can’t keep going without your help!

If you or someone you know would like to get involved either at a membership level or by taking one of our workshops, please let us know!

Our first workshop is Sunday, June 14. I offered this workshop a few years ago at the New England Mobile Book Fair, and the response was so big that we had to do it on a second day. All participants will receive a FREE copy of my writing guide, The Revision Process. Published ten years ago (a second edition is in the works) it got rave reviews for the advice, but what most people commented on how funny it was. Recently I picked up a copy and looked through, and I have to admit, I laughed out loud at some places; I had forgotten what a blast it is!

So to everyone who has supported us in one way or another, WE THANK YOU. For those of you who will help us spread the word by sharing this blog, WE THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!